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Posts : 7
Join date : 2021-07-26
Age : 46

What is your favorite NBA team? Empty What is your favorite NBA team?

Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:27 am
I rarely watch NBA games and don't follow or care for it anymore. The game has changed way too much since I loved it as a kid and I just do not find it appealing any longer. But I have always been and will always be a fan of.....

What is your favorite NBA team? 13557f031aa57385ffc77cda0e6ca905
Posts : 5
Join date : 2021-07-28
Location : Albuquerque, NM

What is your favorite NBA team? Empty Re: What is your favorite NBA team?

Thu Jul 29, 2021 8:44 pm
I hadn't watched a full NBA game in years until this year's playoffs. Since my buddy, Jon, is a huge Hawks fan I watched all of their games and was rooting for them. Growing up my favorites were the Celtics and Bulls.
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